A cynic.

You remind me of heartbreak
You remind of sadness and sad things
You remind me of hot humid nights that make you suffocate in your sleep
You remind me of bugs that crawl all over something that just died
You didnt inspire me
You had everything,
my dark days and my silver linings,
but not my soul.
You never inspired me to write,
Instead you condescendingly brushed it away like it was meaningless
like so many other things of mine.
and I let you. I let you take everything I had left
And I loved you for it.

Yours truly,

Painted Shadow

Slow dancing in a burning room.

I am a wrecker of all things
I am a wrecker of all good things.
I am a cynic
I am a masochist
I crave for beauty,
and a love that I cannot keep.
I crave for sanity, 
by doing insane things
I abuse and shame people like them,
for they are all hypocrites.
I pain, and writhe in agony and sadness
for you seem to think
I’m just like them.
Evil, manipulative
selfish and cunning.
cold and ignorant.
Maybe I am
Maybe that’s who I’ve become
after I met them.
After I kissed their lips and tasted their wine. 
I wasn’t always the person you seem to hate now.
I was much more.
A better, easy to love person.
A person, who you would have most certainly 
and most definitely loved,
and never would let go. 
I’d do anything to show you that person. 
Yours truly,
Painted Shadow